Salisbury Steak with Mashed Potatoes and Mushroom Gravy

Ingredients: For the steaks: 1lb.Ground beef ¼C.Breadcrumbs 1Large egg ½Onion chopped fine 1tsp.Worcestershire sauceSalt and pepper to taste 2Tbsp.Olive oil 1Package refrigerated prepare mashed potatoes cooked to the package instruction: For the gravy: 2Tbsp.Butter8oz. Sliced mushrooms2C. Beef broth2Tbsp. FlourSalt and pepper to taste. How To Make Salisbury Steak with Mashed Potatoes and Mushroom GravyIn : … Read more

Pumpkin Pecan Cobbler

Ingredients For the Cobbler 1 cup + 3 tablespoons all purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon cloves 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1/4 cup milk 1/4 cup melted butter or vegetable oil 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla For the Topping 1/2 cup … Read more

Chicken Bubble Biscuit Bake Casserole

A delicious easy to make Casserole this scrumptious Chicken Bubble Biscuit Bake is loaded with tender juicy chicken in a creamy ranch and bacon filling, topped with refrigerator biscuits and golden crispy cheese! I took to Instagram and asked y’all what recipe you wanted me to post next. This Chicken Bubble Biscuit Bake was the … Read more

Cake salé

Ingrédients : 1 tomate coupée en dés 1 noisette de beurre pour le moule 7 cl d’ huile d’olive1 sachet de levure chimique 200 g de farine 100 g de lardons en lamelles ( salé ) 100 g de dés de jambon3 oeufs 10 cl de laitBasilic Olives vertes dénoyautées Préparation : ÉTAPE 1 Préchauffer … Read more

slow cooker cabbage rolls

Ingredients °1 wrapped head °1 pound ground meat °1 cube medium onion °3 garlic lobes °1 teaspoon sea salt °1 teaspoon black pepper °2 Eggs °1 tomato jar sauce °1 cup uncooked rice °1/2 teaspoon paprika °1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Methods Cut about 1/4 inch from the bottom of the cabbage head and place the … Read more

Charlotte Poire Carame

recette de Charlotte Poire Carame lIngrédients: 3 poires mûres, pelées, évidées et finement tranchées 300g de biscuits cuillère 250g de mascarpone 200ml de crème fraîche épaisse 150g de sucre en poudre 50ml d’eau 2 tsp d’extrait de vanille 1 tsp de jus de citron Instructions: Dans une casserole, mélangez le sucre et l’eau à feu … Read more

classic Ambrosia Salad recipe!

Dive into a bowl of nostalgia with this classic Ambrosia Salad recipe! Bursting with tropical flavors and creamy textures. this delightful salad is a beloved favorite at potlucks, picnics, and family gatherings. Made with a medley of fruit. mini marshmallows, and whipped cream, Ambrosia Salad is a sweet and refreshing treat that’s sure to please … Read more

Stuffed Pepper Soup

This is one of the most cozy soup recipes with rich homestyle flavor. It totally reminds me of growing up and being home. There’s just so much goodness in one bowl of this hearty soup. You’ll love the comforting flavors in this soup and how well all the flavors blend together. The peppers and tomatoes … Read more