Charlotte Poire Caramel

Ingredients :

3 ripe pears, peeled, drained and finely sliced

300g of biscuit spoon

250g de mascarpone

200ml of thick fresh cream150g of powdered sugar

50 ml of water

2 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp de jus de citron


In a saucepan, mix sugar and water over medium heat, stirring until sugar is dissolved.Let the mixture simmer without stirring until it becomes a golden caramel.Remove from fire and slowly add the sour cream, being careful as the mixture can bubble. Mix until you get a smooth consistency. Set aside to cool off.In a bowl, whisk together the mascarpone, vanilla extract and lemon juice.Gently combine the chilled caramel with the mascarpone mixture.Take a biscuit spoon, quickly dip it in water, then place it in the bottom of your serving dish.Add an emment layer of mascarpone and caramel mix, then a layer of pear slices.Repeat these layers until all the ingredients are used, finishing with a layer of mascarpone and caramel mixture.Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving.

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