7 Layer Salad

A 7-layer salad is a vibrant, layered dish featuring a mix of vegetables, cheese, and a creamy dressing. It’s often served in a clear dish to showcase its colorful layers, making it a visually appealing and flavorful addition to any meal or gathering.

+Chicken Cup Salad Ingredients:
°12 ounces beef bacon
°2 medium head lettuce
°4 cooked chicken breasts
°4 boiled eggs
°1 large avocado cut into slices
°2 c cherry tomatoes
°1 cup finely chopped red onion
°1 cup of feta cheese
°4 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley
+Cobb Salad Dressing:
°6 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
°2 tablespoons of mustard
°2 garlic cloves, pressed or finely minced
°0.67 cups of extra virgin olive oil
°Salt to taste
°Black pepper to taste

Step 1:
Fry the chopped bacon on a skillet until brown and crispy, then transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to cool. Cook 2 hard-boiled eggs, then peel and quarter. Romaine Lettuce Chop, rinse, squeeze and arrange on a plate.

Arrange the rest of the salad ingredients (chicken, eggs, avocado, tomatoes, onions, feta cheese, and bacon) in rows on top of the salad, then sprinkle the finely chopped parsley over the salad.

Step 2:
Transfer the dressing ingredients to a mason jar and shake. Drizzle over salad just before serving, or let guests add their own dressing if desired.

To create variations of a 7-layer salad, consider adding proteins like grilled chicken, crumbled bacon, or hard-boiled eggs for added substance. You can also adapt the vegetables according to the season or personal taste, incorporating ingredients such as bell peppers, corn, or cherry tomatoes.

Experiment with different cheeses like cheddar, feta, or blue cheese to enhance the flavors. For the dressing, try various creamy dressings or vinaigrettes, such as ranch or yogurt-based sauces.

To present the salad beautifully, use a clear dish so the layers remain visible and appealing. Prepare the salad in advance, but add the dressing right before serving to prevent the layers from becoming soggy.

Lastly, ensure an even distribution of layers to balance the flavors and textures throughout the dish.

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