Gâteau aux Raisins is a classic French cake known for its moist texture and rich flavor. Made with simple ingredients, it combines fresh or dried raisins with a buttery, slightly sweet batter. This cake can be enjoyed as a dessert, a snack, or even a breakfast treat. It’s often flavored with vanilla or a hint of citrus and can be served plain or with a dusting of powdered sugar. The combination of raisins and a tender crumb makes it a comforting and delicious choice for any occasion.

220 g de farine à pâtisserie
180 g de sucre
3 œufs M
85 g de raisins secs
100 ml de rhum
1 cuillère à café de levure chimique ou de levure chimique
Placer le rhum et les raisins secs dans un bol et laisser reposer environ 30 minutes . Cela permet aux raisins secs de s’hydrater et de prendre toute leur saveur
Faire fondre le beurre et le mélanger avec le sucre
Ajouter les œufs et bien mélanger
Une fois bien intégrés, ajouter le mélange de raisins secs et de rhum
Tamiser la farine et la levure, puis mélanger jusqu’à obtenir un mélange homogène
Graisser un moule rectangulaire et verser la pâte à l’intérieur
Préchauffer le four à 170 °C et cuire pendant environ 40-45 minutes ou jusqu’à ce qu’un cure-dent en ressorte propre
Laisser refroidir le gâteau dans le moule pendant 5 minutes, puis le démouler sur une grille pour qu’il refroidisse complètement
Facultativement, saupoudrer une pincée de sucre glace sur le dessus avant de servir .


  1. Nutty Twist: Add chopped walnuts or almonds for extra texture and flavor.
  2. Spiced Version: Incorporate spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom for a warm, aromatic touch.
  3. Citrus Zest: Mix in lemon or orange zest for a fresh, tangy contrast to the sweetness of the raisins.
  4. Chocolate Chip: Add chocolate chips or chunks for a richer, indulgent treat.
  5. Glazed Version: Top with a simple glaze made from powdered sugar and lemon juice for added sweetness and a polished look.


  1. Soak the Raisins: For a plumper texture, soak raisins in warm water or a splash of rum or orange juice before adding them to the batter.
  2. Room Temperature Ingredients: Ensure that butter, eggs, and any dairy products are at room temperature for a smoother batter and better texture.
  3. Sift Dry Ingredients: Sift flour, baking powder, and any spices to prevent lumps and ensure even distribution throughout the batter.
  4. Grease the Pan Well: Thoroughly grease and flour the cake pan to prevent sticking.
  5. Check for Doneness: Use a toothpick or cake tester inserted into the center to check for doneness; it should come out clean when the cake is fully baked.

These variations and tips can help you customize your Gâteau aux Raisins and perfect its texture and flavor.

Preparation Time for Gâteau aux Raisins:

  1. Preparation: 15-20 minutes
  • This includes measuring and mixing the ingredients, and preparing the pan.
  1. Baking Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Depending on the recipe and oven, baking can vary, so check for doneness with a toothpick.
  1. Cooling Time: 15-30 minutes
  • Allow the cake to cool in the pan for a few minutes before transferring it to a wire rack to cool completely.

Total Time: Approximately 1 to 1.5 hours, including preparation, baking, and cooling.

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